Howitzer M777.STL
Explore the highly detailed 3D model of the Howitzer M777 produced by renowned 3D designer Lulac on The model showcases the tremendous accuracy and dynamic details of a real Howitzer M777. This authoritative piece of artillery is meticulously designed with all its distinct elements carefully crafted, bringing the Howitzer M777 to life in a digital realm. Using's interactive 3D viewer, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of the Howitzer M777 including its imposing barrel, robust carriage, and complex breech section. Understand its geometrical structure and intricate parts that contribute to its high performance in real life. Whether you're a history enthusiast, military hobbyist or a 3D printing lover, this Howitzer M777 3D model offers an impressive display of design precision and complexity. Discover and download 3D models of rare quality and intricacy on Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of 3D model exploration.